Thursday, December 30, 2010

Life Choices Part 1

So, it has been brought to my attention several times in this last week that I am 25, I'm not getting any younger, and I'm still single. HELLO?!?! Don't you think I freakin' know this about my own self??

Why is it that people feel that in order to be happy in life they either need a lot of money or a significant other?? Personally, I'm as happy as a clam. Not really, but I don't have this impression that when I am with someone they fill this void. I look at it as they add to my already overflowing cup of joy. I mean, if one more lady gives me the "Oh I'm so sorry dear"-look after I tell them I'm single, I may punch her so hard that they all feel the pain. Not just that, but don't ask me "Why?"... do you think I know?? Probably because I'm so damn picky. Yes, I'll admit it, I have a list. Not just any list, THE LIST. A list of characteristics/qualities/attributes, whatever you want to call it. No, don't sit there and think it is a list of what I want him to look at it, because that is actually no where to be found. They are things that are important to me, not just moral values, but interests, hobbies, etc. I mean if anyone truly knows me, then they know I cannot be with a guy who does not love college football as much as I do. Now you may be judging me, but do I honestly care? Sad to tell you, but no. Why not?... The way I see it, I've done the long term relationship stuff. Even started planning a wedding, and where did that get me? No where. I have loved and I have lost. Have I given up on "The One"? No. I think I have a clear idea of what I want. So why am I not dating? Maybe because every guy out there that I have come across I can hang out with them for a short period and decide whether or not I could spend the rest of my life with him. If I feel like there is no connection what so ever or we just have a difference of opinion on something that he may not know is of great importance to me, there is no point in wasting his time nor mine.

Does this make me a "B*tch"? - If it does then I'm sorry, but from my understanding, every female in this world is somewhat of one. Some of us are more loud and proud about it than others.

Do I want to be dating? - At this point in time, no. I mean come on, how's this for a pick up line, "Hi, I'm Kristen, 25yo who lives with mommy and daddy and is currently unemployed." Now that is a winner. I give myself two thumbs up.

The way I see it, I am fine where I am at. And as selfish as this may sound, I have things in my life that I need to take care of before I add my +1 to anything. For instance.... get a job.... MOVE OUT!!!!

So cliff's notes; I'm single, I'm perfectly okay with it, and I'm not really looking for anything anytime soon. So ladies who are members of the Pearland Gossip Line... BACK OFF!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A new beginning...

So, I'm new to this whole "blogging thing", and the closest thing I have gotten to them is reading my sisters hilarious blogs. So, mine will be somewhat mundane, if you're looking for some "knee slap" humor, go read hers.

I have decided this is going to be my space, my go to place, my area where I can say whatever I want whenever I want. As 2010 comes to a close, I realize that A) I am no where near being where I hoped I would be in life B) I'm slightly pathetic in that I was the kid that moved home after graduating and has yet to leave my parents house and C) I want A & B to change... dramatically change. Not just yay! get a new job or a job for that matter, but in the sense of landing "THE" first job and getting out from under my parents' wings and being able to find myself again. Yes, that is right, I said find myself again.

When I left for college I did what every other student did. Partied their butts off, hardly went to class, and made a ton of friends. Later, I grew up a bit, I found my niche. I realized that school was truly important and that sometimes I had to say, "No, I can't tonight I have to (fill in total lame adult excuse here)". Having said that, I became the person who I was when I graduated. That girl (or I guess I should say woman) has run away... disappeared into oblivion... vanished... Anyway, wherever she went, I am highly determined to find her again. This woman was accomplished, had visions, even daydreams, had goals, had a handle on life, and even though no one is truly finished growing, she was the right track. But I feel like after a few months home I took like eleventy billion (yes that is made up) steps backwards. I know I can't totally blame myself for that, things happened, serious life changing things, so, instead of being the turtle I was when I first moved home with my head out of my shell as far as it would go looking and applying to multiple jobs daily, I retrieved my head and hid it in my shell to take care of things at home. I am coping every day with what has happened to my family, but I have realized, the storm is as calm as it is going to get for the time being and it's time to stick my head back out there. I mean I'm 25 years old and I haven't had a job in over a year for crying out loud?!?!

**For those who venture to read this post, it's not like I haven't applied, because I have, hundreds of jobs, and in a year I have only had 4 interviews. And it is always the same things "You aren't qualified", "You don't have enough experience", "We can't afford to pay you at a BS degree level", etc. etc. YES-- I even said I don't care about the pay! I just want a job!**

There are several things I want to change in my life; job status, living arrangements, like most women my weight, and a handful of other things that are a little more personal.

This blog is going to be my journey... for 2011 I will take note of things that I have done to move forward in life. Sure it's like a Bridget Jone's Diary kinda thing, and maybe you can call me a copy cat, but whatever. I will vent, I'm sure I will cry (for those who don't know me I am a highly emotional person. I cry... a LOT!), I will maybe even tell you more about my boring life then I had planned. So watch out, there may be an exciting tid bit here and there.

So, fellow bloggers, I now will bid you goodnight.